Cooking Equipment

How Long Do Air Fryers Last?

2 Mins read

An air fryer typically lasts 2 to 3 years before you need to replace it with a new one. It is still an excellent option for healthy eating and people that wish to stay fit. It’s a newer and innovative device that lets users whip up all sorts of assorted dishes without surpassing their caloric deficit.

In general, better quality models with air fryers may also last longer than the usual ones in the market. For instance, a cheaply manufactured air fryer may only last for six months before you have to replace it.

Therefore, we recommend considering it a long-term investment and getting one that lasts for years. In most cases, the manufacturers have specific instructions for use and air fryer care that prolong the device’s life.

air fryer

Do all Air Fryers have the Same Life Span?

As mentioned, air fryers’ life span depends on the quality of their make. Better quality models can last up to 5 years, depending on their use. Therefore, you should know the factors that might impact your air fryer’s life. With this information, you can avoid buying the wrong one and wasting money on it.

What Impacts the Air Fryer’s Life?

The life span of an air fryer usually comes down to the amount of material it receives and the quality of parts used in the manufacture.

Unfortunately, to maximize their profit margins, the air fryer manufacturing companies may use cheaper parts, which may take a toll on the product’s life span. With poor-quality parts in the air fryers, you need to replace them quicker, ultimately spending more on them in the long run.

We recommend spending some extra on a higher quality air fryer and enjoying it for longer instead of replacing them every few months.

How Do You Know It’s Time to Replace Your Air Fryer?

When newly bought, the air fryers show excellent performance. They cook your desired foods optimally and can provide you with a great experience.

However, with time their efficiency drops because of internal wear and tear in the parts. Therefore, air fryer owners should know when to replace it.

The exact issues faced by the owners may vary for each situation, but in most cases, it can be because of the following:

1. Lack of Heating Properly

The first sign you will see in a malfunctioning air fryer is a lack of heating. The air fryers have a thermostat, allowing users to adjust the temperature according to the food they want. However, with time, your air fryer will stop heating the food properly, requiring a replacement.

2. The Coating on the Air Fryer Peels Off

The air fryer has a non-stick coating that helps the food from sticking to the surface and makes it easy to clean. Once you notice the coating peeling from the air fryer, it is time to replace the unit. You don’t want the coating peeling off into your food.

3. Requires Constant Repairs

If the air fryer’s parts constantly break down, stopping it from operating, you need to replace them as soon as possible.

Bottom Line

An air fryer is an excellent investment for better-quality food for your daily use. However, if you witness the signs mentioned in this article, consider replacing the air fryer with a newer, better-quality one.

Our Favorite Air Fryers

If you do end up needing a new air fryer be sure to check out our air fryer reviews.

32 posts

About author
I love enjoying good food. Since you can't always find good food in the middle of nowhere. I've been on a mission to learn all I can about pairing multi-faceted flavors together and cooking delicious food myself. Founder of flavrstream.
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